Monday, May 7, 2007

eating locally

greens from our CSA box, local corn, and local catfish! for the past few weeks, our box has included fresh garlic, strawberries, lettuces, arugula, and mixed greens--so many greens that we can't keep up! last week i used several types of greens in a huge salad for a potluck picnic. this week i plan to make arugula pesto and freeze it in batches. one of the contributors to the simply in season mennonite cookbook suggests eating greens only when they are in season. while i couldn't give up my daily greens, i do like to extend the season by freezing as much as i can for winter.

d. and i have been thinking about the historical-political implications of our dairy-free, sugar-free, alcohol-free (and now gluten-free) diet, which we have followed for about nine months. we no longer eat sugar or chocolate--which happen to be the key products of the slave trade, completing the europe-america-africa triangle. since european and american companies in africa, latin america, and the caribbean continue to exploit the workers in these industries, we feel pretty good about not supporting them. although i still daydream about hot chocolate.


nuttnbunny said...

Just added Simply in Season to my Amazon cart! :-)

I'm intrigued by how I could maintain this notion in MN.

I'll look up my YOTM club post that deals with Organics. Not all of their "editions" relate to Fair Trade, Organics, and other related issues, but a couple have so far.

Have you ever tried the Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton? I'm using it for the Bobbi Bears. Total HEAVEN!!!

me said...

sometimes i think about how you and d. are and i'm blown away - you're much much too cool for me. i wanna be like you when i grow up. ;)